Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Where do you start when implementing the wisdom of Dr Deming?

Motivation! Motivation! Motivation! When Dr Deming went to Japan after WWII he did not go over to revolutionize Japanese industry. He was a statistician hired by the US Census Bureau. What took him in the direction he went was the plight of the people, in particular, the children and orphans and the elderly. This was his motivation- people. His focus on quality, statistics , etc were all tools that would be used to better the Japanese people. I could write about the destruction the Japanese faced after the war but I will let the reader do the research if he or she does not know.

Now there are many CEO's and company owners (leaders) who have an acute sense of the responsibility they carry and the employees and their families who are dependent on the organizations they lead. There are others who see it as a revenue stream to get rich and others a mixture of both. For the leaders who see it only as a way to get rich, gain power and prestige, Dr Deming is not the way for you. Six Sigma and a lack of world class quality is fine for you. To those who are aware of the people they lead and want to secure the future for them as much as they can, with the motivation that you already have learn of Dr Deming and in simplicity start implementing his simple wisdom. For those of mixed motivation, I would not half-heartedly implement the wisdom of Dr Deming. This would be very disheartening for your employees. I would work on your own motivations first.

Our human tendency is to not be proactive. Generally speaking we are reactive. We like the status quo. Dr Deming's advice is proactive. Is not the generational quality of Honda Motors and their consistent incremental growth over many years securing the future for it's employees and their families? Is not the situation they provide their employees a better situation than what US auto manufacturers have provided theirs. End of my argument.

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